Isosonic Topfloor

The Isosonic Topfloor system is a fixed, resilient surface layer acoustic insulation and ceiling treatment for precast plank, in-situ concrete, steel composite and beam & block floors for use in new-build and refurbishment applications useful for Sound Proofing and Noise Reduction applications. The system consists of 3mm thick Isorubber Top adhered to the floor surface using Isobond Adhesive and a metal frame or Isosonic ceiling treatment below.

System Summary

The Isosonic Topfloor system is designed to be easy to install, helping to reduce the risk of workmanship errors.

Isorubber Top provides a compatible base for almost all types of floor covering including carpets, vinyl, stone, ceramics, solid wood and laminates. It also provides massive cost savings over more traditional floating floor systems.


  • Exceeds Building Regulation requirements.
  • Suitable for most types of concrete floor.
  • Suitable for almost all types of floor finish.
  • System uses Isorubber Top, a hard-wearing acoustic covering to reduce noise transfer.
  • Isorubber Top is only 3mm thick, minimising construction depths.
  • No long term / short term deformation of acoustic layer.
  • Suitable for use with Under Floor Heating

Components & Specifications

Acoustic Performance

Test results will vary for each floor type, pre-cast plank constructions have a site test mean average of:

Airborne Sound ≥ 50db (Dntw + Ctr)

Impact Sound ≤ 57db(Lntw)

This exceeds the Building Regulation (Approved Document Part E) requirements by 5dB in both cases.

Isorubber Top

Density  600kg/m³
Roll Size  3mm x 1m x 20m
Roll Weight 42Kg (11 Rolls per pallet)
Isorubber Top is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound and vibration at source. A durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber Top has excellent impact energy absorption properties.

Adhesives & Tapes

Products Include:
Isorubber Jointing Tape
Our range of acoustic adhesives and tapes are designed to be used with the Isorubber and Isosonic coverings ranges.

Hangers & Brackets

Products Include:
Isosonic Hanger Type C
Isosonic Bracket 45
Isosonic bracket 125
Isosonic Cleat
Isosonic hanger Type A
Our range of Isosonic Hangers, Brackets and Cleats are for use in ceiling constructions, they are designed to acoustically isolate a plasterboard layer from the structure above. This range of products can be used in on their own to provide a general improvement or in combination with Isorubber and Isosonic floor coverings to meet...

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About System

The Isosonic Topfloor system consists of 3mm Isorubber Top fitted over a minimum 65mm sand & cement or minimum 40mm proprietary screed or a power floated concrete surface. The structural floor must be a minimum mass of 300Kg/m2 per unit area. This system can be used with all masonry external flanking wall constructions (600 – 800Kg/m3, 1350 – 1600Kg/m & 1850 – 2300Kg/m3). A metal frame ceiling with a minimum void of 100mm or an Isosonic Ceiling is also required. Both ceiling details are under drawn with a layer of gypsum based board (minimum 8Kg/m2).

The extensive site testing carried out shows that the Isosonic Topfloor system can achieve 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits, Robust Details E-FC10 for in-situ concrete and E-FC-16 for pre-cast plank provide these credits upon registration, all other constructions are subject to pre-completion testing.

Isorubber Top is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound at source. A durable product with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber Top has excellent impact energy absorption properties.

Isorubber Top is suitable for use with almost all types of soft and hard floor coverings and has been tested by SATRA and CERAM. While it is not intended for use as a permanent exposed surface, Isorubber Top can be left as a ‘selling surface’ and has been ware tested by the British Carpet Technical Centre.

A composite of sustainably sourced, granulated cork and recycled waste rubber Isorubber Top has a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. Isorubber Top provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.

Isobond Adhesive is an acrylic emulsion adhesive that has been specifically tested for use with Isorubber products.

A standard metal frame or Isosonic Ceiling system is also required to the underside of the structural floor. The type and depth of the ceiling are dependent on the structural floor thickness (please check our installation guides or contact our Technical Department for further information). The Isosonic Ceiling treatment utilises Isosonic Hangers Type C to separate the ceiling from the structural floor. Isosonic Ceiling Strip can be used around the ceiling perimeter to help reduce flanking sound transmission. Mineral wool can be included in the ceiling void to improve test results, this is recommended in beam & block constructions, as they have a lower mass than pre-cast plank and in-situ concrete floors.

Compatible with UFH

Compatible with UFH

Cost-effective Solution

Cost-effective Solution

Easy Installation

Easy Installation

Minimal increase in Construction Depth

Minimal increase in Construction Depth

New Build

New Build

Part E Compliant Construction

Part E Compliant Construction






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