The most common way to reduce impact sound transference and to meet Approved Document Part E requirements in a concrete separating floor is to isolate the screed using an acoustic mat. This helps to prevent the sound from moving through the building structure to adjoining rooms / dwellings. We provide a range of products that can be used beneath screeds to suit all applications, from low-cost pre-completion testing solutions to Robust Detail compliant solutions and very high-performance products for specialist applications.
If you need any help choosing the correct product for your project, please contact our Technical Department on 01582 544255 or email [email protected]
Isorubber Base
Isorubber Base
Isorubber Base is an acoustic and vibration reduction mat for use in separating floor constructions to provide sound proofing and noise reduction.
Isorubber HP3
Isorubber HP3
Isorubber HP3 is an acoustic and vibration reduction mat for use in separating floor constructions
Isorubber Profile
Isorubber Profile
High-performance acoustic and vibration isolation mat with profiled underside for use in domestic and commercial applications.
Isorubber TF
Isorubber TF
Isorubber TF is an acoustic and vibration reduction mat for use in separating floor constructions to provide soundproofing and noise reduction.
Isorubber Standard
Isorubber Standard
Isorubber Standard is a cost effective acoustic and vibration reduction mat for use in separating floor constructions to provide sound proofing and noise reduction.
Isorubber Wave
Isorubber Wave
Extremely high performance acoustic and vibration isolation mat with profiled underside for use in domestic and commercial applications.