Contact Details
Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Isorubber TF is a 6mm thick acoustic insulation and vibration reducing mat that can be laid beneath a screed or timber floating floor to reduce impact sound and vibration transmission. It is also ideal for use as an acoustic underlay beneath carpets and textile floor finishes as it does not suffer from colour migration.
A very durable product with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber TF does not suffer from any deterioration of acoustic performance during the normal lifespan of a building. This is because it undergoes virtually no short term deformation or long term creep deformation under normal domestic loads.
With an extremely high recycled content of waste foam rubber, a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero Isorubber TF provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.
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Isosonic Easi-Joist Floor System
Thermal Economics have teamed up with Wolf Systems to develop the Isosonic Easi-Joist System.
The Isosonic Easi-Joist system consists of Isorubber TF resilient acoustic insulation on a structural timber deck, with the option of 2 floor finishes; plasterboard plank overlaid with a timber floor finish or a screeded floor finish.
Mineral wool is fitted between the Wolf Easi-Joists and a proprietary resilient bar is used to separate the double layer of plasterboard ceiling.
Beneath Carpet
Isorubber TF is ideal for use as an acoustic underlay beneath carpets and textile floor finishes providing a general acoustic improvement and increased comfort levels within a dwelling.
In laboratory tests Isorubber TF provided a ΔLw 32dB improvement when used beneath a textile floor finish.