Contact Details
Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Isorubber CC3 is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound at source. A durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber CC3 has excellent impact energy absorption properties.
Isorubber CC3 is suitable for use with almost all types of soft and hard floor coverings and has been tested by SATRA and CERAM. While it is not intended for use as a permanent exposed surface, Isorubber CC3 can be left as a ‘selling surface’ and has been ware tested by the British Carpet Technical Centre.
A composite of sustainably sourced, granulated cork and recycled waste rubber Isorubber CC3 has a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. Isorubber CC3 provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.
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Robust Detail E-FC-16 is a fixed, resilient surface layer acoustic insulation system for precast plank floors. E-FC-16 provides 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits upon registration.
These credits are also applicable under the BREEAM multi-residential category, pre-completion testing is required for other BREEAM categories.
The system consists of 3mm thick Isorubber CC3 adhered to the screeded surface of a Precast Plank floor using Isobond Adhesive and a Metal Frame ceiling supported on Isosonic Ceiling Cleats.