Contact Details
Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Isorubber Mats are extremely dense (approximately 900Kg/m3) and robust, they do not suffer from any deterioration of acoustic performance during the normal lifespan of a building. This is because they undergo virtually no short term deformation or long term creep deformation under normal domestic loads.
With a recycled content of approximately 90% waste rubber, a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero Isorubber Mats provide a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.
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Acoustic Insulation
Isorubber Mats can be used as an overlay to provide impact and airborne sound reduction in separating floors; they can also provide Approved Document Part E compliance when used with an Isosonic Ceiling treatment.
Vibration Isolation
Isorubber Mats can be used to isolate the vibration of domestic appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers or small machinery in garages and home workshops.
Shock Absorption and Protection.
Isorubber Mats can provide shock absorption to areas of high impact usage such as children’s play rooms or sports/games areas. They can also be used to provide a protective, anti-slip surface.