Contact Details
Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Isorubber HP3 is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is laid beneath the screed, separating it from the structural floor and absorbing impact sound. A durable product with a density of approximately 680Kg/m3, Isorubber HP3 does not suffer from any deterioration of acoustic performance during the normal lifespan of a building. This is because it undergoes virtually no short term deformation or long term creep deformation under normal domestic loads.
With a recycled content in excess of 90% waste rubber, a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero, Isorubber HP3 provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.
IsoRubber with Under Floor Heating
E-FC-12 Installation Guide
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Robust Detail E-FC-12 is an under screed acoustic insulation system for precast plank floors.
It consists of Isorubber HP3 resilient acoustic insulation below a sand & cement or flow screed with Isoedge 6/260 perimeter separation strip and a Metal Frame or Isosonic ceiling treatment.
This construction can also be pre-completion tested to achieve BREEAM credits.
Robust Detail E-FC-18
Robust Detail E-FC-18 is an under screed acoustic insulation system for insitu concrete floors that is ideal for multi storey projects. It consists of a resilient acoustic insulation below a sand & cement or flow screed with a perimeter separation strip and a Metal Frame ceiling treatment.
This Robust Detail provides a choice of proprietary under screed acoustic insulations that can be used including Isorubber Base. It also allows for party walls to be built off the structural slab, without the need for pre-completion testing.
With Under Floor Heating Systems
Isorubber HP3 is also ideal for use below under floor heating systems. It provides excellent impact reduction for a 3mm thick product and lays flat when unrolled, providing the perfect surface for installing an under floor heating system.