Contact Details
Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Robust Detail E-FC-10 is a fixed, resilient surface layer acoustic insulation system for solid insitu floors making it perfect for sound proofing & noise reduction applications. The system consists of 3mm thick Isorubber Top or Isorubber FR< adhered to the screeded or power floated surface of a solid insitu floor using Isobond Adhesive and an MF Ceiling below. E-FC-10 provides 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits upon registration.
Robust Detail E-FC-10 is an acoustic solution for insitu concrete floors. This system provides a minimum 5dB improvement the requirements of Approved Document Part E. When registered with Robust Details Ltd the requirement for on-site sound testing is removed and 3 Code for Sustainable Homes / BREEAM / Home Quality Mark credits are automatically awarded.
As a Robust Detail that provides 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits the E-FC-10 system must always achieve site test values of:
Airborne Sound – not less than 50db (Dntw + Ctr)
Impact Sound – not greater than 57db(Lntw)
This exceeds the Building Regulation (Approved Document Part E) requirements by 5dB in both cases.
Find out more about this system, read an in depth report, and see our carefully curated instructions on how to get the best results when installing your solution.
IsoRubber Top TDS
IsoRubber FR TDS
IsoBond Adhesive TDS
Isoedge/IsoSonic Ceiling Strip TDS
IsoRubber Top SDS
IsoRubber FR SDS
IsoBond Adhesive SDS
Isoedge/IsoSonic Ceiling Strip SDS
The E-FC-10 system was the first floor system to be awarded 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credit status. It is designed to be easy to install, helping to reduce the risk of workmanship errors. Isorubber Top / Isorubber FR provides a compatible base for almost all types of floor covering including carpets, vinyl, stone, ceramics, solid wood and laminates. It also provides substantial cost savings over more traditional floating floor systems.
The E-FC-10 system requires a minimum 175mm in-situ slab with a minimum density of 2400Kg/m3. It can be used with masonry (1350 – 1600Kg/m3 & 1850 – 2300Kg/m3) or framed external flanking wall constructions. A metal frame ceiling with a minimum void of 150mm under drawn with a layer of gypsum based board (minimum 10Kg/m2) is also required.
During the extensive site testing carried out for Robust Detail classification all 30 of the impact and airborne tests had to achieve a minimum 5dB improvement over regulation requirements to gain this status. Due to this excellent performance record any site that registers the E-FC-10 system with Robust Details is automatically awarded 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits.
The E-FC-10 system can also be, and is frequently, used in non Robust Detail specifications, subject to pre-completion testing.
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