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Thermal Economics Ltd
Thermal House
8 Cardiff Road
Thermal Economics have teamed up with Wolf Systems to develop the Isosonic Easi-Joist System. It consists of Isorubber TF resilient acoustic insulation on a structural timber deck, with the option of 2 floor finishes; plasterboard plank overlaid with a timber floor finish or a screeded floor finish. Mineral wool is fitted between the Wolf Easi-Joists and a proprietary resilient bar is used to separate the double layer of plasterboard ceiling making it perfect for Sound Proofing and Noise Reduction applications.
The Isosonic Easi-Joist floor system is designed for use in new build timber frame construction. This system provides all of the benefits of the lightweight and strong Wolf Easi-Joist system while maintaining the high acoustic performance associated with Thermal Economics Isosonic flooring systems.
On site testing shows that the Isosonic Easi-Joist Floor System can achieve results of:
Airborne Sound ≥ 53db (Dntw + Ctr)
Impact Sound ≤ 55db (Lntw)
This exceeds the Building Regulation (Approved Document Part E) requirements by more than 5dB in both cases.
Find out more about this system, read an in depth report, and see our carefully curated instructions on how to get the best results when installing your solution.
Isorubber TF Technical Data Sheet
Isoedge & Isosonic Ceiling Strip Technical Data Sheet
The Isosonic Easi-Joist floor system consists of 6mm Isorubber TF fitted below a floating plasterboard and timber floor surface of 18mm flooring grade chipboard (or any wooden flooring with a similar mass) or screed floor finish. The Isorubber TF is fitted over a structural timber deck and 100mm low density mineral wool is fitted between the Easi-Joists. The ceiling treatment consists of a proprietary resilient bar system with two layers of 15mm plasterboard below.
The site testing carried out on this construction shows that it consistently achieves results well in excess of building regulation requirements.
Isorubber TF is a 6mm thick acoustic insulation that is laid over the structural timber deck, separating it from the plasterboard and timber overlay or screed and absorbing impact sound. The Isorubber TF is turned up at the perimeter to isolate the plasterboard and timber overlay from the walls reducing flanking sound transmission. When using a screed finish Isoedge 6/260 is used around the perimeter to reduce flanking sound transmission. A durable product with a density of approximately 600Kg/m, Isorubber TF does not suffer from any deterioration of acoustic performance during the normal lifespan of a building. This is because it undergoes virtually no short term deformation or long term creep deformation under normal domestic loads.
With a recycled content in excess of 90% waste foam rubber, a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero Isorubber TF provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.
Isoedge 6/260, a purpose made edge strip, is fitted around the perimeter of the screed to separate it from the walls and reduce flanking sound transmission. With an adhesive backing strip, die cuts and markings to aid installation Isoedge 6/260 has been designed to eliminate installation errors at what is generally regarded as a problem junction.
No CFCs or HCFCs are used in the manufacture of Isoedge 6/260 and it has Global Warming Potential of 3 and Ozone Depletion Potential Zero.
Isosonic Ceiling Strip can be used around the ceiling perimeter to help reduce flanking sound transmission.
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