Isorubber Contract

Isorubber Contract is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound and vibration at source. It is an incredibly durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 640Kg/m3. Isorubber Contract provides an extremely cost effective method of achieving Approved Document Part E compliance when carrying out pre-completion testing.

Isorubber Contract is very easy to install and is suitable for use with many types of hard and soft floor coverings.

A composite of sustainably sourced, granulated cork and recycled waste rubber Isorubber Contract has a Global Warming Potential of Zero and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. Isorubber Contract provides a means of using problematic waste material to the benefit of the environment.

Product Specifications

Colour  Beige and black
Roll Size  3mm x 1m x 20m
Roll Weight  36Kg(11 Rolls per pallet)

Density  300-400kg/m³
Service temp. range -30°C to +80°C
Elongation at Break  20%

Tensile Strength  0.4N/mm2
Global Warming Potential  Less than 5

Ozone Depletion Potential  Zero

Cost-effective Solution

Cost-effective Solution

Easy Installation

Easy Installation

Made from Recycled Waste Rubber

Made from Recycled Waste Rubber

Minimal increase in Construction Depth

Minimal increase in Construction Depth

New Build

New Build

Part E Compliant Construction

Part E Compliant Construction






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Main Applicaitons

Approved Document Part E Compliance

Isorubber Contract can be fitted over minimum 65mm sand & cement screeds, minimum 40mm proprietary screeds, power floated concrete surfaces or levelling compounds. The structural floor must be a minimum mass of 300Kg/m2 per unit area. Compliance can be achieved with all masonry external flanking wall constructions (600 – 800Kg/m3, 1350 – 1600Kg/m3 & 1850 – 2300Kg/m3). A metal frame ceiling with a minimum void of 100mm or an Isosonic acoustic ceiling is also required. Both ceiling details are under drawn with a layer of gypsum based board (minimum 8Kg/m2).

Mineral wool can be included in the ceiling void to improve test results, this is recommended in beam & block constructions, as they have a lower mass than pre-cast plank and in-situ concrete floors.