New guidance from Robust Details states that robustdetails® walls and floors can be used to demonstrate compliance with Approved Document E in mixed use buildings with podium floor slabs. This is particularly relevant to developers hoping to use IsoRubber Top as part of robustdetails® solution for concrete-framed construction, as commonly used in mixed use buildings. [...]

Alternative Insulation Products & Ensuring Availability

Every project is unique to the environment of the build e.g. the number of different styles of houses on one project and the different permissions/plans required. Delays can be caused by the chance of uncertain conditions, missing design information and resource challenges –  each build is never straight forward. The last thing a project needs [...]

Robust Details is only as effective if the contractor is aware of the Robust Details requirements

Reducing sound transmission is often thought to be a ‘dark art’ because the performance of sound insulation cannot be calculated in a similar way to thermal insulation, and the commonly held rules of thumb that are logical for heat transmission, do not hold true for sound.  This creates a risk in design, because the performance [...]