Floating Floor Insulation Products: Quality sound proofing solutions, cost efficient pricing

Floating acoustic floors are a simple and proven method of reducing impact and airborne sound in new build and refurbishment projects.

Over the past decade acoustic boards or decks have become extremely popular and there are many variants available. The quality and performance of these products can range drastically, so it is important to ensure that the products that you are using are fit for purpose.

These products are designed for use in floor build ups to achieve Approved Document Part E compliance and are suitable for use below non-loadbearing partitions.

There are options available to replace existing timber structural floors or to overlay the existing floorboards that are already installed and products for both new build and refurbishment projects.

Below is a quick summary of our acoustic floor panels that can be installed over structural floors to minimise the transfer of airborne and impact sound.

Isosonic Platform Floor

Application:   For all types of structural floors


  • It’s an easy to install tongue and groove solution for providing Part E compliance in both new build and refurbishment projects
  • Exceeds Building Regulation requirements
  • Robust Detail FFT5 compliant
  • Suitable for all types of concrete floor
  • Ideal for use in refurbishment projects
  • Tried and tested solution which has been widely used since 2003
  • Range of ceiling solutions available


Platform Floor is a composite of tongue and groove chipboard with an acoustic layer bonded to the underside. It provides a compatible base for almost all types of floor covering including carpets, vinyl, stone, ceramics, solid wood and laminates. The IsoEdge 6/75 perimeter strip is used around the perimeter of the Platform Floor to isolate if from the walls and prevent flanking sound transmission.

For new build building regulation compliance this product is used in the Isosonic Platform Floor system which consists of Platform Floor fitted over a concrete or timber subfloor and an acoustic ceiling treatment to the ceiling below. For full details of Part E compliant solutions please refer to our literature.

Platform floor is also available with an optional “peel clean” protective coating to help keep the finished surface clean and presentable during the construction phase.

System components

Don’t forget (ancillary products required for installation):

  • Platform floor
  • Isoedge 6/75
  • Isosonic ceiling strip
  • Isosonic hangers
  • Floorbond adhesive

Go to IsoSonic Platform Floor

Isosonic Screed Plank

Application: For all types of structural floors Ideal for use with underfloor heating


  • An easy-fit, dry installation and high mass screed plank system
  • Provides hard and robust screed like finish
  • Shallow build depth
  • Extremely dense, increasing floor mass
  • Dry system, saving on construction time and screed pumping
  • Direct to joist, structural solution available
  • Compatible with the Isorubber range of acoustic products, so solutions can be tailored to project requirements

By combining the high mass and cementitious floor finish of Isosonic Screed Planks and the acoustic properties of Isorubber resilient layers, the Isosonic Screed Plank Systems provides a versatile and high-performance acoustic solution that is ideal for lightweight floors.

Isosonic Screed Plank boards are high mass, gypsum T&G flooring boards available in four variants:

  • ISP 19 – For use as fully supported floating floor and have a mass of 1100Kg/m3.
  • ISPS 18 and ISPS 25 – For use as a spanning structural deck or supported floating floor and have a mass of 1500Kg/m3.

With the choice of 3 screed plank board variants, multiple types of Isorubber resilient layer and various Isosonic ceiling options, it is very easy to create a solution that can meet the exact needs of the project.

System components

Don’t forget (ancillary products required for installation):

  • Isoedge 6/75
  • Isosonic hangers
  • Isosonic brackets

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Isosonic Dekfloor 30

Application:   For direct to joist acoustic flooring system for refurbishment projects


  • Single fit structural floor and acoustic insulation.
  • Dekfloor 30 utilises an extremely dense Isorubber layer to reduce noise transfer, this limits the amount of movement in the deck and eliminates the “bounce” that is associated with similar products that use soft foam acoustic layers.
  • Purpose made Isoedge strip is used around the screed perimeter to eliminate flanking sound transfer.
  • No long term / short term deformation of acoustic layer. Suitable for use with Under Floor Heating.

Recently the use of acoustic structural decks installed directly over timber joists has become very popular for refurbishment projects.

These boards normally consist of 22mm flooring grade chipboard bonded to a resilient layer which provides the acoustically separating bearing onto the joists. This type of product is relatively easy to install and, by performing the normal structural functions as well as tentatively achieving the Approved Document E acoustic requirements for the change of use “refurbishment” at least, they present an attractive proposition. However, many of these products do not provide the mass required to achieve the required airborne sound reduction performance required.

Isosonic DekFloor 30 combines a 22mm flooring grade chipboard and an extremely dense Isorubber acoustic layer to overcome this lack of mass. It has been designed with fully glued T+G joints enabling it to freely float over the floor joists, without any mechanical fixings in order to reduce structural sound bridging. When using Isosonioc Dekfloor 30 it is important to fit Isoedge around the full floor perimeter in order to prevent airborne sound leakage and to allow for the possible expansion movement of the monolithic floor deck.

Lasting Performance of Isorubber

Isorubber products are durable, thin and dense. Unlike soft cellular polymer products they undergo virtually no short or long term compression under normal floor loads. This assures that the full initial acoustic performance is maintained throughout the life of the building.

Retained ceiling detail for refurbishment – Isosonic Ceiling bracket

The Isosonic Ceiling brackets are ideal for use in refurbishment projects, providing lasting performance up to 17dB effective impact sound reduction. They allow the new sound insulating fire protective ceiling to be installed without the removal of the existing ceiling.

System components

Don’t forget (ancillary products required for installation):

  • Isosonic Dek 30
  • Isosonic Ceiling strip
  • Isoedge 6/75
  • Isosonic cleats
  • Isosonic brackets
  • Floorbond adhesive

Go to IsoSonic Dekfloor 30