Isosonic Screed Plank 20 (ISP20)

Isosonic Screed Plank 20 (ISP20) Isosonic Screed Planks are denser than standard chipboard flooring, helping to reduce sound transfer by increasing the mass of a structure. They have a very hard and durable surface that is suitable for almost all types of floor finish. ISP boards are designed for use as fully supported floating floors [...]

Isosonic Platform Floor

Isosonic Platform Floor The Platform Floor system is a floating floor acoustic insulation system that is suitable for all types of floor in new-build and refurbishment applications System Summary The Isosonic Platform Floor system is easy to install acoustic treatment. It incorporates Platform Floor floating floor and an Isosonic Ceiling system. Platform Floor is a [...]

Isosonic Timber Conversions

Isosonic Timber Conversions The Isosonic Timber Conversion Systems provide a range of solutions to meet the current Approved Document Part E refurbishment requirements. System Summary We offer two standard options to bring existing timber floors up to Part E refurbishment standards,they incorporate Isorubber Base or Platform Floor resilient overlays.There is also a high-performance Isorubber Base [...]

Isosonic Dekfloor 30

Isosonic Dekfloor 30 Isosonic DekFloor 30 is a direct to joist acoustic flooring system for refurbishment projects. It comprises Isosonic Dek 30, a combined structural deck and acoustic insulation, with an isolating ceiling treatment. System Summary The Isosonic Dekfloor 30 system combines an acoustic insulation and structural timber deck, reducing installation time and overall floor [...]

Isorubber FR

Isorubber FR Isorubber FR is an acoustic insulation available in a standard 3mm thickness with others sizes available to order, but only the 3mm version falls under the Robust Detail scheme. It is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound and vibration at source. It is an incredibly durable acoustic underlay with added fire [...]

Isorubber Top

Isorubber Top Isorubber Top is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound and vibration at source. A durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber Top has excellent impact energy absorption properties. Isorubber Top is suitable for use with almost all types of soft and [...]


Robust Detail E-FC-9 Robust Detail E-FC-9 is an acoustic solution for precast plank floors. This system exceeds the requirements of Approved Document Part E and when registered with Robust Details Ltd removes the requirement for on-site sound testing. System Summary Robust Detail E-FC-9 is a fixed, resilient surface layer acoustic insulation system for precast plank [...]


IsoEdge The Isoedge range of perimeter isolation and acoustic formwork are very important components of our acoustic systems that help to reduce flanking sound transmission. They can also be used to provide an expansion joint for timber floating floors. Installation is simple with features such as adhesive backing strip, break-out joints, and where required they [...]

Isorubber CC3

Isorubber CC3 Isorubber CC3 is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound at source. A durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber CC3 has excellent impact energy absorption properties. Isorubber CC3 is suitable for use with almost all types of soft and hard floor [...]