Isosonic Timber Conversions

Isosonic Timber Conversions The Isosonic Timber Conversion Systems provide a range of solutions to meet the current Approved Document Part E refurbishment requirements. System Summary We offer two standard options to bring existing timber floors up to Part E refurbishment standards,they incorporate Isorubber Base or Platform Floor resilient overlays.There is also a high-performance Isorubber Base [...]

Isosonic Timberfloor

Isosonic Timberfloor The Isosonic Timber Floor System provides excellent acoustic results in new build and refurbishment applications useful for Sound Proofing and Noise Reduction applications. It consists of Isorubber Base resilient acoustic insulation on a structural timber deck, overlaid with a floating wooden floor finish. Mineral wool is fitted between the joists and an Isosonic [...]