Isorubber Mat

Isorubber Mat Isorubber Mats are extremely dense (approximately 900Kg/m3) and robust, they do not suffer from any deterioration of acoustic performance during the normal lifespan of a building. This is because they undergo virtually no short term deformation or long term creep deformation under normal domestic loads. With a recycled content of approximately 90% waste [...]

Isorubber Contract

Isorubber Contract Isorubber Contract is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound and vibration at source. It is an incredibly durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 640Kg/m3. Isorubber Contract provides an extremely cost effective method of achieving Approved Document Part E compliance when carrying out [...]

Isorubber Standard

Isorubber Standard Isorubber Standard is an acoustic insulation and vibration reducing mat that can be laid beneath a screed or timber floating floor to reduce impact sound and vibration transmission to assist in sound proofing applications. A very durable product with a density of over 760Kg/m3, Isorubber Standard does not suffer from any deterioration of [...]

Isosonic Platform Floor

Isosonic Platform Floor The Platform Floor system is a floating floor acoustic insulation system that is suitable for all types of floor in new-build and refurbishment applications System Summary The Isosonic Platform Floor system is easy to install acoustic treatment. It incorporates Platform Floor floating floor and an Isosonic Ceiling system. Platform Floor is a [...]

Isosonic Timber Conversions

Isosonic Timber Conversions The Isosonic Timber Conversion Systems provide a range of solutions to meet the current Approved Document Part E refurbishment requirements. System Summary We offer two standard options to bring existing timber floors up to Part E refurbishment standards,they incorporate Isorubber Base or Platform Floor resilient overlays.There is also a high-performance Isorubber Base [...]

Isosonic Dekfloor 30

Isosonic Dekfloor 30 Isosonic DekFloor 30 is a direct to joist acoustic flooring system for refurbishment projects. It comprises Isosonic Dek 30, a combined structural deck and acoustic insulation, with an isolating ceiling treatment. System Summary The Isosonic Dekfloor 30 system combines an acoustic insulation and structural timber deck, reducing installation time and overall floor [...]

Isosonic Timberfloor

Isosonic Timberfloor The Isosonic Timber Floor System provides excellent acoustic results in new build and refurbishment applications useful for Sound Proofing and Noise Reduction applications. It consists of Isorubber Base resilient acoustic insulation on a structural timber deck, overlaid with a floating wooden floor finish. Mineral wool is fitted between the joists and an Isosonic [...]

Isosonic Topfloor

Isosonic Topfloor The Isosonic Topfloor system is a fixed, resilient surface layer acoustic insulation and ceiling treatment for precast plank, in-situ concrete, steel composite and beam & block floors for use in new-build and refurbishment applications useful for Sound Proofing and Noise Reduction applications. The system consists of 3mm thick Isorubber Top adhered to the [...]


Robust Detail E-FC-12 Robust Detail E-FC-12 is an acoustic solution for precast plank floors. This system exceeds the requirements of Approved Document Part E and when registered with Robust Details Ltd removes the requirement for on-site sound testing. System Summary Robust Detail E-FC-12 is an under screed acoustic insulation system for precast plank floors useful [...]