Prime Minister commits to UK Net-Zero Energy Emissions by 2050

Written by John Hefford BEng (Hons). ACIOB, Technical Advisor

Dr Alan Whitehead (Labour MP for Southampton, Test) asked the Prime Minister: “Following the agreements to which the UK signed up at the Paris climate change summit, will the Prime Minister now commit to a new UK climate change target of zero net emissions before 2050?”

Theresa May cited the UK’s past record with legislation on climate change and affirmed the UK’s commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The key parts of the Paris Agreement are to:

  • Limit the increase in global average temperature to 15 °C above pre-industrial levels;
  • Set and achieve economy-wide, absolute emission reduction targets.

The European Union agreed to do this by setting a target of cutting emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050; by making continued progress towards a low-carbon society.  Under current EU targets carbon dioxide emissions from houses and office buildings will be almost completely cut, practically to a nearly-zero carbon emissions level (although no recognised definition for net-zero or nearly-zero emissions officially exists).

In the maelstrom of domestic legislative reform, it’s important that the United Kingdom still recognises the dangers of global climate change, even though one in particular of Britain’s allies seem ignorant of this and persist in pursuing increasingly isolationist policy, and Theresa May’s response in Prime Minister’s Question Time demonstrates to the World that the United Kingdom will work alongside international partners to prevent global warming.

Britain’s journey towards net-zero carbon emissions can be seen through changes to the Building Regulations and guidance in Approved Documents available on the Planning Portal website.

In particular, Approved Documents L1A and L1B give guidance on the energy efficiency of houses and apartments for new-builds and refurbishment work.  For new-build homes, energy efficiency has to be achieved by five criteria:

  • Achieving the Target CO2 emission and fabric energy efficiency rates (as calculated by SAP);
  • Achieving the maximum U‑values and minimum system efficiencies;
  • Limiting the effect of summer heat gains;
  • Building to minimise the design vs. actual performance gap;
  • Providing information for energy-efficient operation.

At Thermal Economics, we manufacture cost-effective thermal insulation products to deliver on the U-values needed for floors, walls and pitched roofs.  Products like our Alreflex Platinum cavity wall insulation are already used on construction sites across the United Kingdom to reduce heat loss through external walls.

One of the other important issues that we include is the effects of thermal bridging on heat loss within the construction.  Thermal bridges occur at construction junctions such as the ground floor junction with the external wall; where the line of insulation is broken.  Our Alreflex ThermaEdge is easy-to-install and ensures that the line of insulation continues around the building to prevent condensation and mould growth.

You can find out more about our insulation products and obtain a free U-value calculation by speaking to our Technical Department on:

Tel:                  01582 544255
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