The Alreflex Raftertherm Board S is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board. These boards are designed to be fitted tightly between the rafters.
The Alreflex Raftertherm Board A is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board with the Alreflex 1L1 bubble foil insulation bonded to one face. These boards are designed to be fitted below the rafters with the Alreflex foil facing down into the dwelling. This low emissive surface provides the dual function of increasing thermal performance and when sealed is a highly effective vapour barrier.
With a BRE Green Guide A+ rating Alreflex Raftertherm insulation boards have excellent environmental credentials. They have a Global Warming Potential of less than 5 and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. No CFCs, HFCs or HCFCs are used in the production of Raftertherm insulation boards.