
The Alreflex Raftertherm Board S is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board. These boards are designed to be fitted tightly between the rafters.

The Alreflex Raftertherm Board A is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board with the Alreflex 1L1 bubble foil insulation bonded to one face. These boards are designed to be fitted below the rafters with the Alreflex foil facing down into the dwelling. This low emissive surface provides the dual function of increasing thermal performance and when sealed is a highly effective vapour barrier.

With a BRE Green Guide A+ rating Alreflex Raftertherm insulation boards have excellent environmental credentials. They have a Global Warming Potential of less than 5 and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. No CFCs, HFCs or HCFCs are used in the production of Raftertherm insulation boards.

Product Specifications

Roll Size  Alu Tape – 50mm x 45m
Roll Weight  Alu Tape – 0.44Kg (24 Rolls in a Box)
Density  13-15Kg/m3
Board Size  0.6m x 1.2m
Thickness  Board S – 125mm Stock Size (36 Boards per Pallet) All boards available in 5mm increments from 25mm (to order) / Board A – 25mm – Stock Size (160 Boards per Pallet) 40mm – Stock Size (120 Boards per Pallet) All boards available in 5mm increments from 30mm (to order)
R-value of Alreflex Foil and cavity to face  Board A – 0.53m2K/W* (*value shown is for non-ventilated cavity min 25mm)
K-value of Board  0.030W/mK
Built in Vapour Barrier

Built in Vapour Barrier

Cost-effective Solution

Cost-effective Solution

Easy Installation

Easy Installation

Improves Air Tightness

Improves Air Tightness

Made in Britain

Made in Britain

Part L solution

Part L solution

Section 6 Solution

Section 6 Solution


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Main Applicaitons

Alreflex Raftertherm boards are suitable for use in ventilated and non-ventilated pitched roof constructions in new build and refurbishment applications. They provide cost savings over PUR/PIR solutions and internal space savings Mineral Wool solutions, but can be used in combination with either of these products to provide a project specific solution.

Raftertherm between and below rafters
The complete Alreflex Raftertherm insulation system comprises Alreflex Raftertherm S boards between the rafters and Alreflex Raftertherm A boards below the rafters. This combination provides an excellent balance of construction thickness and cost. Alreflex Raftertherm S boards can be quickly and easily cut for installation between rafters. Alreflex Rafterthem A boards are fitted as a continuous layer below the rafters before a plasterboard finish is installed. The inner foil face of the Alreflex Raftertherm A boards can be sealed as a vapour barrier where required. Please refer to the Alreflex Raftertherm brochure for example U-vlaues.

Raftertherm between rafters with insulated plasterboard below
Alreflex Raftertherm S boards can also be used between rafters with insulated plasterboard fitted below the rafters. The solution offers a cost saving over typical solutions that use PUR/PIR between the rafters and can minimise the thickness of insulation below the rafters when compared to the other Raftertherm systems. Please refer to the Alreflex Raftertherm brochure for example U-vlaues.

Mineral Wool between rafters with Raftertherm boards below
Where mineral wool is fitted between rafters Alreflex Raftertherm A boards can be used below the rafters. This provides a very cost effective method of improving the thermal performance of the roof, but will have the thickest overall construction of the Alreflex Raftertherm solutions. The inner foil face of the Alreflex Raftertherm A boards can be sealed as a vapour barrier where required and plasterboard fitted to provide an internal finish. Please refer to the Alreflex Raftertherm brochure for example U-vlaues.