Alreflex Platinum

Alreflex Platinum is a BBA certified graphite enhanced EPS insulation board with Alreflex bubble foil insulation bonded to one face. The combination of high performance EPS and Alreflex foil provides an extremely cost effective alternative to PUR/PIR boards. It can be used in cavity wall, metal frame and dry lining applications.

Available in 5mm thickness increments from 25mm, Alreflex Platinum can be used to meet most U-value requirements. From standard building regulation compliance and general improvement to achieving extremely low U-values for Future Homes Standards or FEEs compliance. A cost effective solution, Alreflex Platinum is significantly cheaper than the equivalent PUR, PIR and Phenolic board insulations providing the same thermal performance.

With a BRE Green Guide A+ rating Alreflex Platinum has excellent environmental credentials. It has a Global Warming Potential of less than 5 and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. No CFCs, HFCs or HCFCs are used in the production of Alreflex Platinum. Various board forms are available to suit applications:

Product Specifications

Density  13 – 15 kg/m3
Board Size  450mm x 1200mm / 1200mm x 2400mm
Thickness  25mm – 100mm (other sizes available on request)
Bending Strength  100 kPa
Compressive Strength  13 kPa (@ 1% compression)
Compressive Stress  60 kPa (@ 10% deformation)
Global Warming Potential  Less than 5
Ozone Depletion Potential  Zero
Foil emissivity  0.03
Resistance of bubble/foil  0.10m2∙K/W
Total Resistance (min) 20mm residual cavity to both faces  0.71m2∙K/W
Thermal Conductivity of EPS (λ)  0.030 W/m∙K
BRE Green Guide Rating  A+

U Values

BBA Certified Product

BBA Certified Product

Cavity Rainwater Barrier

Cavity Rainwater Barrier

Cost-effective Solution

Cost-effective Solution

Global Warming Potential less than 5

Global Warming Potential less than 5

Ozone Depletion Potential Zero

Ozone Depletion Potential Zero

Part L solution

Part L solution

Section 6 Solution

Section 6 Solution

Weather Lap

Weather Lap


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Main Applicaitons

Cavity Wall Insulation

Providing a cost effective slution for Part L 2021 and Secton 6 2023 compliance

Alreflex Platinum provides an extremely cost-effective alternative to PUR/PIR insulation boards with equivalent performance when used as a partial fill cavity wall insulation. It has been used by major house builders in the UK since 2006, with over 2 million of square meters installed across the country.

The BBA certified cavity rain barrier properties of Alreflex Platinum mean that it can be used in all exposure zones, and make it ideal for use in severe exposure areas.

Dry Lining Boards

Insulation boards with an integral vapour barrier

Alreflex Platinum boards are an excellent dry lining solution for Part L and Section 6 2023 refurbishment projects. Providing a significant cost saving over laminated lining boards, Alreflex Platinum has a bubble foil surface that can be sealed as an integral vapour barrier and the fixing method allows a service void to be utilised directly behind the plasterboard.

These square edge boards are quick and simple to install and as no wet trades are required there is no drying our time needed.

Metal Frame Insulation

External Frame insulation for low rise buildings

Alreflex Platinum boards are BBA certified for use outside low rise frame constructions, providing a very cost-effective alternative to PUR / PIR boards. When used in this location Alreflex Platinum helps to minimise the overall construction depth, reducing the amount of insulation needed within the metal frame.

The outer bubble foil face enhances the thermal performance and provides a BBA certified cavity rain barrier that protects the frame of the structure.

Preventing Water Ingress

Alreflex Platinum is the only partial fill insulation with a BBA certified Cavity Rain Barrier. Each Alreflex Platinum board has a 50mm bubble foil lap along the bottom edge.

When installed this creates a weather lap that has been certified by the BBA as a cavity rain barrier to prevent water ingress. The horizontal lap system has been tested in the BBA cavity wall water ingress rig, the results showed zero water penetration across the cavity.