Alreflex Full Fill

Alreflex Full Fill is a graphite enhanced EPS insulation board with Alreflex bubble foil insulation bonded to the outer surface. The combination of high performance EPS and Alreflex foil creates an ideal product to insulate and prevent the ingress of water. These boards have been specifically developed for use with a reduced residual cavity of just 10mm, this means that more insulation can be used in the cavity to provide improved U-values or that the overall construction depth of the wall can be reduced.

Available in 5mm thickness increments starting at 40mm, Alreflex Full Fill can be used to meet most U-value requirements. From general Part L 2021 and Section 6 2023 compliance to achieving extremely low U-values for Future Homes Standards or FEEs compliance. Alreflex Full Fill provides a cost-effective solution and is significantly cheaper than the equivalent PUR, PIR and Phenolic board insulations providing the same thermal performance.

With a BRE Green Guide A+ rating Alreflex Full Fill has excellent environmental credentials. It has a Global Warming Potential of less than 5 and an Ozone Depletion Potential of Zero. No CFCs, HFCs or HCFCs are used in the production of Alreflex Full Fill.

Product Specifications

Density  13 – 15 kg/m3
Board Size  450mm x 1200mm
Thickness  65mm / 90mm / 115mm / 140mm (other sizes available on request)
Bending Strength  100 kPa
Compressive Strength  13 kPa (@ 1% compression)
Compressive Stress  60 kPa (@ 10% deformation)
Global Warming Potential  Less than 5
Ozone Depletion Potential  Zero
Foil emissivity  0.03
Resistance of (min) 20mm residual cavity  0.38m2∙K/W
Resistance of bubble/foil  0.10m2∙K/W
Thermal Conductivity of EPS (λ)  0.030 W/m∙K
BRE Green Guide Rating  A+

U Values

BBA Certified Product

BBA Certified Product

Cavity Rainwater Barrier

Cavity Rainwater Barrier

Easy Installation

Easy Installation

Improves Air Tightness

Improves Air Tightness

Made in Britain

Made in Britain

Part L solution

Part L solution

Reduced Cavity Width

Reduced Cavity Width

Section 6 Solution

Section 6 Solution


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Main Applicaitons

Cavity Wall Insulation

Providing lower U-values with reduced cavity sizes

Alreflex Full Fill insulation provides an extremely cost-effective way to achieve very low U-values to meet and exceed the requirements of Part L and Section 6. These high performance EPS boards have a square edge, making them quick and simple to install. The bubble foil outer face enhances the thermal performance and, when the joints are sealed with Alreflex Breathable Tape, creates a BBA certified cavity rain barrier.

Alreflex Full Fill only requires a 10mm residual cavity to its outer face, this means that low U-values can be achieved while keeping cavity sizes to a minimum which can have a number of advantages:

  • Minimise the footprint of the dwelling.
  • Maximise the sellable floor area.
  • Smaller cavities have reduced costs in areas such as – lintels, wall ties & cavity trays.

External Threshold Insulation

Door threshold insulation is often overlooked, but under the Part L 2021 regulations photographic evidence that these areas have been insulated has to be provided as part of the SAP assessment. Alreflex Full Fill boards can be used to provide a simple and highly effective solution for reducing thermal bridging at door thresholds. Boards can be supplied in sizes to suit door widths, so no cutting is required, and wastage is eliminated.

Preventing Water Ingress

Alreflex Platinum is the only partial fill insulation with a BBA certified Cavity Rain Barrier. Each Alreflex Platinum board has a 50mm bubble foil lap along the bottom edge.

When installed this creates a weather lap that has been certified by the BBA as a cavity rain barrier to prevent water ingress. The horizontal lap system has been tested in the BBA cavity wall water ingress rig; the results showed zero water penetration across the cavity.