Wall Ties and Clips

Wall Ties & Clips Thermal Economics provide a range of wall ties and retaining discs specifically designed for use with the Alreflex range of thermal insulation products. The details given on this page are for the most popular construction types and the information shown is only intended as a guide, please refer to PD 6697: [...]

BR Bonding Tape

BR Bonding Tape BR Bonding Tape is a non-hardening, permanently flexible high performance sealant and adhesive tape. It is used for sealing; fixing and jointing Thermal Economics foil coated products.   BR Bonding Tape also provides excellent adhesion to aluminium, steel, wood and plastics.   It is available in 25mm x 50m rolls as standard.  Technical Data [...]

Alu Tape

Alu Tape Alu Tape is a soft tempered, bright aluminium foil tape for use with all Thermal Economics foil coated products. It has been designed to have excellent adherence properties, even in cold conditions and is also vapour resistant. Alu Tape can be used to fix, seal, joint and repair foil faced products. It is [...]

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Robust Detail E-FC-14 Robust Detail E-FC-14 is an under screed acoustic insulation system for precast plank floors. E-FC-14 provides 3 Code for Sustainable Homes Credits upon registration. It consists of Isorubber Base resilient acoustic insulation below a sand & cement screed with Isoedge 6/260 perimeter separation strip and a Metal Frame ceiling supported on Isosonic [...]

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Isorubber CC3 Isorubber CC3 is a 3mm thick acoustic insulation that is adhered to a floor surface, absorbing impact sound at source. A durable acoustic underlay with a density of approximately 600Kg/m3, Isorubber CC3 has excellent impact energy absorption properties. Isorubber CC3 is suitable for use with almost all types of soft and hard floor [...]