
Thermal Economics is Iso14001 certified and has a proven history of developing high-performance innovative products using recycled and sustainable materials.

Thermal Products

The EPS used in our thermal insulations is 98% Air meaning that only 2% is physical polystyrene material. With outstanding insulation qualities, EPS is durable, inert, non-toxic, rot-proof and 100% recyclable. It can also last the lifetime of a building making it an ideal sustainable insulation.

The manufacturing process of the product is very safe for our environment, as only steam is used during production. There is also no waste as all off-cuts are recycled back into the product process.

All of our EPS products are extremely lightweight, this helps to reduce fuel consumption, when these products are transported to site compared to other heavier materials

EPS uses Pentane as its blowing agent and is HFC, CFC and HCFC free. Pentane has a low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than five and the EU does not register pentane as a substance hazardous to human health or the environment.

Our EPS Products have a Green Guide A+ rating

Acoustic Products

The Isorubber range of products utilise up to 90% recycled material. The majority of this is problematic waste rubber that would otherwise go into landfill. This also means that Isorubber products can be recycled at the end of their life or the buildings life.

The manufacturing processes of Isorubber products are very safe for our environment, no blowing agents are used in the production process. There is also no waste as all off-cuts are recycled back into the product process.

Some of our acoustic products incorporate wood-based products such as chipboard. We only use wood-based products from sustainable sources that are FSC certified.

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